Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Attracting Good Affiliates

By Jerry Lunsford

Good affiliates can be hard to get. There could be any number of reasons for this, but I am going to focus on what I believe is the one major problem that prevents someone from attracting good affiliates. But first lets look at what the make up of a good affiliate may be. A good affiliate is:

Hard Working
Motivated to work their business
Does not need constant reassurance
Makes and implements goals
Overcomes obstacles
Recognizes and takes good advice
And Never, Never, Never quits!

The question some may ask is, "Where are these people at?" I'll tell you. Most of these people are already successful with their own affiliate program. And they are successful for the very reasons listed above. Also, they did not fall prey to the very problem that many searching for good affiliates are causing themselves. And that is advertising hype. They overlooked that and went into the marketing program with a desire to succeed, understanding that it is going to require work and time to be successful. Unfortunately though many are for the first time looking for a home business and don't know what internet marketing is all about. They are vulnerable to all the hype infested ads out there.

Now. If a person signs up for an affiliate program with none of the traits listed above for a good affiliate can they indeed be a good affiliate? Yes! But it will be an uphill battle helping them to develop some of the above traits. Even though it would be hard it is still worth it to work with them in hopes they will become the perfect affiliate. Who knows.They may become your best affiliate yet! But I want to focus on getting the good affiliates from the start. Why?

My logic is this. I would rather have one good affiliate that is a real go-getter then ten thousand that do nothing or very little at all. That way you have more time to focus on your own business then spending a lot of time babysitting someone who will probably eventually give up. The best route to go is to get affiliates who are already conditioned. Well just how do we do that? There is only one way to do that and that is how your opportunity is presented to prospects.

Most all advertising someone does is loaded with hype. Whether it is their search engine description, classified ads, or email. This is what prevents marketers from getting good affiliates. If possible you must remove all the hype from your advertising and sales letter. Now I know that some of us work an affiliate program owned by someone else. And you may be required to use the advertising and sales letter that they give you. But if possible use the ones that have the least amount of hype. What do I mean by hype!

Hype is where you describe something to the greatest, allowable, extreme possibility. Such as but not limited to the following:

Make a MILLION DOLLARS every time you breathe by just posting a website!!!!!
Earn $15,000 a day by reading emails!!!
Buy my ebook, "125,000 Ways To Get Rich Marketing Salt!"

Now I know these are exaggerations but the point is that while on paper you may be able to prove your claims, most do see these types of ads as exaggerations of the truth. Besides that these ads will not get you those good affiliates your are seeking. What these type of ads will get you are:

Curiosity seekers
Gullible People
Get Rich Quick Hopefuls

If you portray your business as a get rich quick scheme, then that is what you will get. People looking to get rich quick. Not exactly my idea of a good affiliate. Why? Because each person who fits into any of the above groups has their own reason for signing up none of which is to run a business. Most individuals like this sign up and do little if anything. When they realize that they're not going to get a free lunch most will opt out in a day or two. Those who remain will just ignore your emails. By the way. How would you like to go to a job interview and be told you will make $20.00 an hour. You work for 2 weeks only to find out that you have to work for the company 10 years before receiving that amount per hour. You would probably walk out the door feeling you were deceived. That is exactly what happens to people who answer ads loaded with hype. They feel as though they were deceived. .

Not only that but it can be costly to run an ad campaign that uses hype. Think of Pay Per Click advertising. Your are spending money on the clicks of those who are not interested in running a business. I would rather get one hit to my website a day from someone who will do what it takes to succeed then a million hits from people who want to get rich by the end of the day.

Rather have an ad campaign that focuses on what the average person can expect. Most people are in this category. An average person. So target your advertising as if everyone who reads it already understands the ins and outs of internet marketing. Portray your opportunity as one that will take years to reach it's full potential. Be honest and up front. Then you will get people signing up who are ready to build a business up over time. Remember. Get Rid Of The Hype. If the average person won't make $15,000 dollars a month then don't say they will. If the average person will probably make $1,000 a month then say that. What's wrong with making a $1,000 more a month then they had before. If you have been able to quit your job because of your affiliate program, prove it. If you can't offer up some type of proof, (copies of checks, real testimonials, etc...) then just keep it to yourself.

The point being made is this. Most people are already aware of the saying, "If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is." There are exceptions to this rule but for the most part it is a true statement. Now if you follow the advice given above you will probably see a significant drop in your website traffic. And also a drop in the amount of affiliates you are getting. But like I and so many others say. "It's not the quantity of the affiliates you are getting but the quality of the affiliates you get."

Leave the hype to those who want to brag about the amount of website traffic and affiliate sign ups they are getting. I'll take a big fat check over hype any time.

How to Profit from the Explosive Growth of the Internet

By Jo Mark

The Internet continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. There are about 700 times as many websites in existence today as there were in 1998. (Wow! If only my money would grow that fast!) There are currently over two billion websites on the Internet, and that figure is expected to continue growing.

Therein lies the opportunity for people to make money. Every one of those sites has to be hosted somewhere. Some of them are hosted for free by Internet Service Providers (ISP’s). But a very large number of them are hosted by companies that charge a fee for their hosting services. Many of those fee-based hosts offer affiliate programs.

An affiliate program allows you to refer customers to purchase a product or service that is provided by another company (the merchant). Each time one of your referrals makes a purchase from the merchant, you collect a commission.

You can take advantage of this by checking with your own web hosting company to see if they have an affiliate program. These programs are usually free to join so you have nothing to lose. Most web hosting affiliate programs will send you a percentage of the monthly sales that are generated by your efforts. If you send 100 people to the web host through your affiliate efforts and three of them open accounts paying ten dollars per month, you would receive a percentage of that $30 each month. If, over the course of a year, they opened 50 accounts through your efforts, you would earn a percentage of the $500 monthly amount. Each company has a different percentage that they pay their affiliates so the amount will vary from company to company. But wouldn’t it be nice to start receiving monthly checks instead of paying them?

If you are using free hosting through your ISP, or if you are unhappy with the service that your web host is providing, you can find hosting opportunities by doing a search for “affiliate hosting programs”. You will find page after page of affiliate programs for hosting companies. It is important that you do research before making a final selection. Do not base your decision solely on the amount of commission they pay. Narrow your search down to the top 5 candidates or so. Make sure they are reliable. One of the complaints that I hear most often has to do with web hosts whose sites go down frequently. Also, make sure that the site you recommend offers sufficient disk space and bandwidth. It is also important that they provide telephone support. If the site is down, web support is not much help.

To be successful with affiliate sales is hard work. You have to market the program and get visitors to the affiliate site. There are many free advertising methods that you can use. I suggest that you write articles, use blogs, free ezine ads, and forums. I recommend that you start out using these free methods. Then, if you decide that it is too much work, or you are not making any money, you can back out without losing any money.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Difference between affiliates and resellers

By: Cristi Dorobantescu

Every once in a while I get a vendor asking: "What's the difference between affiliates and resellers"? I couldn't find a reliable internet resource to support my usual answer about it, so I thought why not make an article of my own and see how well it goes in Google. So here we are. Actually the biggest issue doesn't come from choosing between resellers and affiliates, but mostly from vendors that are questioning the channel conflict that might happen between their resellers/distributors and the affiliates. The questions are especially important in the software industry where some of the sales techniques are shared by both resellers and affiliates. The fact is that we don't actually have a conflict because there are some fundamental differences between them. Not in a particular order:
Affiliates only do online sales and marketing.Resellers have a physical office, they answer phone calls from customers and they take care of invoicing & billing locally and maybe do some technical support as well. Sure, some buyers might get the product online from an affiliate and not from the reseller, but still, the reseller has a different target and this is offline local market. Actually, if you think about it, a buyer that wants to purchase online, he can anyway skip the reseller by buying directly from your site.
Resellers are better for custom solutions/big volume purchases or complex packages that also include services. I can't really see or imagine an affiliate doing corporate, academic or governmental sales, or the way they could provide related add-on services in local markets. Affiliates don't train sales/technical people and therefore they might not be able to compete with the resellers who have in-depth knowledge about your products.
Affiliates mean pre-selling, resellers do selling. Affiliates warm the site visitor and make him confident and willing to make the purchase on the vendor site. So basically, the vendor sells directly to the customer and makes a direct invoice to the purchaser. Resellers should do the sale on their own, they purchase bulk products from the vendor, then sell by retail to customers; the invoice they issue to customers on their account.

An idea about Pay Per Click (PPC)

By: Ihab Sarsour

Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising technique used on websites, advertising networks, and search engines. Pay per click search engines has become an integrated part of search engine optimization. They are all based on the auction principle. You make a bid for a certain keyword or keyword phrase, and the amount decide the ranking.Pay per click advertising on search engines allows you choose keywords you would like your site to appear for when a search is performed. You decide how much you are willing to pay each time a person clicks on the search results. The more you are willing to pay per click, the higher your site will appear in the results for the keywords you choose.By searching,there are hundreds of pay per click search engines,but the most popular are Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture). Depending on the search engine, prices per click is between US$0.01 and US$0.50. Very popular search terms can cost much more on popular engines. Abuse of the pay per click model can result in click fraud.Parties InvolvedIn this area, a publisher is a webmaster that displays ads from the advertiser.In order to bring together advertisers and publishers,a number of advertising networks where established. they are often search engines, who already had many advertisers as clients, who they could link up with other publishers. The advertising network collects the money from the advertisers, and passes a portion onto the publisher.Google is an example of this. Often these combined search engines and advertising networks,are referred to simply as PPC engines.CategoriesPPC engines can be categorized in "Keyword", "Product", "Service" engines. However, a number of companies may fall in two or more categories. More models are continually evolving. Currently, pay per click programs do not generate any revenue solely from traffic for sites that display the ads. Revenue is generated only when a user clicks on the ad itself.- Keyword PPCsAdvertisers using these bid on keywords, which can be words or phrases, and can include product model numbers. When a user searches for a particular word or phrase, the list of advertiser links appears in order of bidding. Keywords, or search terms, are the very heart of pay per click advertising.There are hundreds of Keyword pay per click search engines. Notable PPC Keyword search engines include: Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture Services), Microsoft adCenter, LookSmart, Miva (formerly FindWhat), Ask (formerly Ask Jeeves), 7Search, Kanoodle, and Baidu.- Product PPCsProduct engines engines are also called Product comparison engines or Price comparison engines. Product engines let advertisers provide "feeds" of their product databases and when users search for a product, the links to the different advertisers for that particular product appear, giving more prominence to advertisers who pay more, but letting the user sort by price to see the lowest priced product and then click on it to buy. BizRate.com, Shopzilla.com, NexTag, PriceGrabber.com, and Shopping.com,are noteworthy PPC Product search engines from hundreds of them.- Service PPCsService engines let advertisers provide feeds of their service databases and when users search for a service offering links to advertisers for that particular service appear, giving prominence to advertisers who pay more, but letting users sort their results by price or other methods. Some Product PPCs have expanded into the service space while other service engines operate in specific verticals.Some of the PPC services include NexTag, SideStep, and TripAdvisor.- Pay per callSimilar to pay per click, pay per call is a business model for ad listings in search engines and directories that allows publishers to charge local advertisers on a per-call basis for each lead (call) they generate. The term "pay per call" is sometimes confused with "click to call". Click-to-call, along with call tracking, is a technology that enables the “pay-per-call” business model.Pay-per-call is not just restricted to local advertisers. Many of the pay-per-call search engines allows advertisers with a national presence to create ads with local telephone numbers.

Choosing Correct Keywords for Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

By: Zaheer Fazal

Before setting up any PPC campaign, we need to know exactly what the objective of the pay per click campaign is. If your website is selling online or looking to generate leads, choosing the right selection of keywords will be imperative to making your PPC marketing efforts a success.Let us use the travel industry as an example of how to choose a selection of terms. In Pay Per Click advertising, there are generally three types of keywords that are used to cover the online buying cycle. There are, generic, specific and niche terms.Generic terms consist of terms such as "Cheap Flights", "Cheap Holidays" or even a popular holiday destination such as "Tenerife". The good thing with generic terms is that they will bring you critical mass in the form of large volumes of traffic but these keywords will generally drive the lowest conversion rates as they are too broad. If you are on a modest budget then its best not to use too many generic terms as you will find that your budget gets exhausted quite quickly. You may want to only include a handful of terms just to have some sort or presence on the sponsored listings. Generic keywords such as those mentioned above form part of the "research stage" of the online buying cycle when users are just looking for what is available out on the market without knowing too much about where to go. It's really all about what's going to 'catch their eye' so they can move onto the next stage which would looking at a particular destination.Below is an example of Ad Text for the term "Cheap Holidays" for a Google AdWords campaign. Short, sweet and straight to the point with a strong call to action although most generic terms do not convert too wellCheap HolidaysFind Superb Cheap HolidayDeals - Book Online & Save!www.myholidaysite.comSpecific keywords could be terms such as "Cheap holidays to Spain" or "Cheap Flights to Greece". Specific keywords generally consist of phrase based terms. The good thing with these types of keywords is that a visitor will have an idea of which holiday destination they are looking to travel to. If your business offers holidays, flights or accommodation to certain destinations then using the Google Keyword Selector Tool will allow you to ascertain relevant keywords and allow you to build a targeted and relevant inventory of words. Specific terms are a good way to drive a great deal of traffic as well as a modest conversion ratio.Niche terms often drive the highest level of conversions but they drive very little volume. Therefore, a good strategy is to build a comprehensive list of as many niche terms that are targeted to your service offering as possible. This way you can drive as many targeted users and improve your overall conversion ratios.For example, if a visitor knows that they want to book the "Jumeirah Beach Hotel" in Dubai and this is part of the hotels on offer, then we should target the search term "Jumeirah Beach Hotel" and all relevant variations we can think of. As long as the bid amount and 'Quality Score' is sufficient to keep the Ad on the first page, when a user types in the above term, our Ad should show up.An example of niche terms are individual hotel names, specific location names within cities, venue names etc. Because niche terms are so highly targeted, they often convert better. It is safe to assume that the user has carried out some prior research on the hotel property name for example and is at the stage where they are ready to make a booking or at least are a genuine potential customer. One must therefore ensure that at stage when the user is ready to part with their cash that the landing page that they click through to is very strong and makes the whole clck to conversion process as easy as possible.Hopefully the above information should have given an insight into how important PPC keyword selection is. Is it imperative that the right choice of keywords and terms are chosen. This is vital to the success to the campaign. The right keywords will help drive sales and leads, the wrong selection will ensure lots of click wastage and very little conversions.Good Luck and Happy PPC-ing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Make Money Selling Ebooks with CBMall

by: Paul Heingarten

Information is one of the biggest reasons people surf the internet. Finding out how to lose weight, how to meet that special someone, how to work for yourself and fire your boss...the topics go on and on. Amongst the sites that deal with topics like this are an ever-growing collection of eBooks. eBooks are a great item to sell, as there are no printing or shipping costs. All you need is the website from which to sell eBooks.

CBMall takes care of the website for you. All you need to do is promote ebooks that are sold through CBMall, and you receive a commission on all sales through your mall. The "CB" in CBMall refers to Clickbank, which is one of the largest repositories for eBooks on the internet. CBMall takes the most popular, best selling eBooks from Clickbank and makes them available in an easy to use website that functions like an online shopping center, or "e-mall".

I purchased a CBMall back in 2005. With your purchase, you receive your own link that gives you commissions on all sales made from people who click your link. You do not need a website, which greatly reduces the amount of investment you need to make. Your CBMall account gives you access to a knowledge base of how to get started with promoting your CBMall and even offers some words of encouragement from Jeff Mulligan, creator of CBMall.

Jeff has created a great mini course on CBMall and how you can use this to develop your own online business. The course is free to take and it is a great way to check out CBMall without spending any money at all.

I have been impressed with the ease of use of CBMall, and its various features. There aren't any hidden surprise charges that come up after you buy it. The only other investment you can (and should) make is in promoting your CBMall link, since that is the way you make money through CBMall. The good news is, Jeff offers you a good amount of information on how to market and promote your CBMall. The great news is you are not forced to buy loads of software or sign up for any hosting or long term monthly service agreement.

I've promoted my CBMall through some Pay Per Click ads on Google and MIVA, as well as some Ezine ads. I've sold several products through CBMall and have built up a considerable amount of subscribers to Jeff's CBMall mini course. I will be paid commissions if any of the subscribers under my name purchase CBMall. There is some sample promotional copy for CBMall available through the site, just keep in mind you'll probably want to use your own as a lot of people will probably use the standard stuff.

CBMall gets an A+ with a big gold star. This is a great tool - just remember, you'll need to spend time and some money to get it to work for you (just like any worthwhile business venture.)

Find out about more about CBMall here http://theebookstar.com/cbmall

Google Adsense - Ads That Make You Money!

by: Lewis Low

magine... being paid checks by the largest and most popular search engine, simply for displaying a few ads on your website for FREE?

Well, this is exactly what the Google Adsense program is all about! And when you think about it, it's a revolutionary way of earning yourself a useful online side income. But let's back up a bit...

In the past, many webmasters displayed ads from various companies, via pop-ups, banners, pop-ins and pop-unders. However, visitors to these sites soon got tired of these advertising methods - I mean, who'd like to go to a website where they'd have to close pop-up windows every other minute? This resulted in a dramatic loss of traffic, and in turn made many webmasters to lose profits.

That's when Google announced a novel program – Google Adsense. Instead of having to use banners and pop-ups to advertise companies and gain a commission, website publishers could now earn a decent profit by displaying unobtrusive text ads on the content pages of their website. Since the ads displayed were often directly related to what your visitors are looking for on your site, you had a way to both monetize and subtly enhance your web content.

One of the main reasons for its popularity, is the fact that the Google Adsense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching, it has quickly become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements. A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that non-relevant ads no longer show up on your site.

Google Adsense also gives you the option to be selective about the type of ads you wish to display. This helps you direct your visitors towards certain type of products and avoid non-relevant or competitor ads. To make it possible for everyone to integrate Adsense into their sites, the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow you to alter the ads' size and appearance.

Google offers their Adsense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program, you'll receive an HTML/ XML code to paste on all of your web pages. Then, Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your web content. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the Adsense ads on your site, Google credits your account with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad.

To sign up for this terrific program, hop over to http://www.google.com/adsense It's super easy to set up - just a few clicks of your mouse and you're ready to go! Once you start displaying targeted Google Adsense ads on your website, you can expect to generate a sizable income depending on the traffic flow to your site and how many visitors actually click on the ads.

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

by: Strive Mazunga

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising. However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey. The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

3 Tops Reasons Why You Must Have Your Own Affiliate Marketing Website

by: Mal Keenan

Budding entrepreneurs entering the affiliate marketing business invariably struggle with many questions on the setup, methods and strategies of their new business.

In dealing with prospects on a daily basis the same question arises time and time again:

Should I get your own website? Do I need one? Will it make a difference to my affiliate sales?

If you have ever joined any affiliate programs at all then you will know that every affiliate program provides you with your own version of the merchants sales page - coded with your affiliate link, in order to track sales.

Technically it is possible to make money promoting this turnkey site that the merchant has provided. In my professional opinion and from my own experience though, this is NOT the way to go if you are serious about making your affiliate business a full-time enterprise.

Let me explain why - giving the most important points against using the affiliate website:

1. By far the most important factor is that the affiliate program can go out of business at anytime leaving any promotions that you have done for your affiliate site useless. If you have links on the www pointing to an affiliate page and the company is no longer in existence then those links will fail to work.

If you have your own website then YOU are in control. You can simply point the link on your end to a new company and thus give you a chance of building a new income stream.

2. It is undoubtedly of massive importance that you build your reputation online. If you only promote another persons website, even though it will bring you commissions, it will usually have the name of the product owner on this site. So, in this case, you are building the merchants' reputation and web presence instead of your own. Branding your name and business online will lead to further success so it's better to get YOUR name out there right from the very start.

3. Point 3 is, that with an affiliate page you don't have the ability to make changes to your webpage. Again, this is a business, so you MUST add your own uniqueness and some personality to the aspect of this business that you are presenting to the public. You CANNOT do this with the affiliate site that the merchant provides - ONLY with your own website and domain name.

So by now you may be asking for the solution. The only answer is to get a website and build YOUR own web presence and brand rather than someone elses. This way you can promote any affiliate programs you like from your new site AND you can change the links, content etc. as often as you require.

This is how I personally do it. If you visit my own sites you will see that I have added loads of my own content BUT each of the links from within that site point to affiliate product from which I will get a commission for evey sale that is made.

Do you see how this works? Do you see how it is a much better strategy than promoting an affiliate page that will NEVER belong to me?

Now, at this stage you may be terrified as to how you where you would even start to acquire your own business domain name and website.

The process is actually quite simple, once you actually begin to push through the fear and take action.

If you don't see the importance of having your own website now then believe me, it WILL become clear as you get a better understanding of online business.

For a few dollars per year for a domain name and hosting you are much better to have an affiliate website than be without one.

The Secret To Making Money Online

by: Jeff Whenman

As with anything in life, those in the know will always get ahead. So when attempting to get ahead it is always about a search for knowledge. If you want to be a great driver and you have not driven before, you can learn by your mistakes or get tuition. Obviously getting driving tuition is recognized as the way to learn to drive quickly and hopefully without any accidents.

If the principle of learning from an expert proven in there field, is accepted in driving and many other daily activities such as swimming or learning a trade. Then why is it when it comes to making money online that people try to go it alone and learn by their mistakes. Often people will spend many hours and much more money than they can really afford trying to make money online, and this is the paradox brought on by the fact that people understand that you have to speculate to accumulate.

So I here you say what is the answer, well my friend the same as always. Find an expert in there field and learn from them. I know there are thousands of Guru’s out there offering to teach you to make money online, and I know it can be confusing. However if you look in the forums and read some of the relevant blogs you will find some of the same names will crop up again and again. Once you have found a legitimate pro you can follow them as many will help you get on in joint venture type programs.

The best of these programs will teach you about which products are worth promoting online and which are not, and they will also teach you many ways to promote these products and which ways have become obsolete. Whatever you decide to promote to make money online and however you do it, starting on the right footing should save you time and money.

The Secret To Making Money Online

by: Jeff Whenman

As with anything in life, those in the know will always get ahead. So when attempting to get ahead it is always about a search for knowledge. If you want to be a great driver and you have not driven before, you can learn by your mistakes or get tuition. Obviously getting driving tuition is recognized as the way to learn to drive quickly and hopefully without any accidents.

If the principle of learning from an expert proven in there field, is accepted in driving and many other daily activities such as swimming or learning a trade. Then why is it when it comes to making money online that people try to go it alone and learn by their mistakes. Often people will spend many hours and much more money than they can really afford trying to make money online, and this is the paradox brought on by the fact that people understand that you have to speculate to accumulate.

So I here you say what is the answer, well my friend the same as always. Find an expert in there field and learn from them. I know there are thousands of Guru’s out there offering to teach you to make money online, and I know it can be confusing. However if you look in the forums and read some of the relevant blogs you will find some of the same names will crop up again and again. Once you have found a legitimate pro you can follow them as many will help you get on in joint venture type programs.

The best of these programs will teach you about which products are worth promoting online and which are not, and they will also teach you many ways to promote these products and which ways have become obsolete. Whatever you decide to promote to make money online and however you do it, starting on the right footing should save you time and money.

Are Online Ads Worth Your Buck?

by: Vadim Kirienko

Whenever you are surfing the internet looking for information you will see a plethora of online advertising offering virtually every conceivable product or service under the sun. As more people hit the information highway, often shunning traditional information sources such as print, television and radio, advertisers are also making the switch. Online advertising can a cost-effective method of reaching web surfers and getting their message in front of a different audience.

One of the biggest advantages of online ads is also one of the biggest disadvantages. Online ads can reach a wider audience and if you have a global internet business can expand the boundaries of your customer base. In most cases you have the ability to determine the types of sites on which your online ads will appear, but in many instances once you place the ad, especially if going through an online ad agency, your site could end up on sites that are inconsistent with you beliefs.

If your business is strictly locally based, with print, television or radio advertising you can restrict the geographic locations where the ads will be heard or seen. For many local-only businesses this type of target advertising reaches only those are likely to be interested in your business and be reasonably expected to visit in person. It all depends on whether you want your advertising effort to have a shotgun effect or a rifle shot.

While a shotgun approach can reach more people in the least amount of time in a much wider area, it will also have many of the ads whiz out into cyberspace with no contact with potential customers. With the rifle approach you can aim your advertising at a specific customer base and even with a potentially higher cost can often realize a better return on the advertising dollar.

When considering online advertising you have to look at the potential return to determine if they are worth your investment. With internet advertising, as will many other forms, it is a numbers game. If you anticipate that 10 percent of those who see the ad will respond and ten percent of those respondents will result in a sale, you should consider that 10,000 advertisement in print media would see 1,000 respondents resulting in 100 sales.

With online ads, your advertisement may reach a million viewers, resulting in 100,000 respondents and 10,000 sales. Weighing these purely hypothetical numbers would seem to make online advertising a good investment. However, depending on the placement of online ads, such as on sites that customers for your products or service rarely if ever visit, the number of respondents may be considerably lower, reducing the potential return on your online ad investment.

If you have an online business, it may pay to advertise where your customers are looking. If your business is completely offline, advertising online may simply make the business with which you advertise the recipient of any income.

Making Money on the Internet for Beginners

by: Gwen McClure

If you’re interested in making some extra money to pay off creditors or earn enough income to replace your current job or career then the Internet is the place where aspiring entrepreneurs are turning. Unlike traditional businesses, a business on the Internet can be started with virtually no capitol, with the exception of your website expense. You have to have a website if you want to do business on the Internet…PERIOD.

If you don’t have your own product to advertise on your website, there are literally millions of affiliate programs on the Internet who do have products and will pay you commissions to sell their products from your website. You can choose to sell cell phones, or internet services, candles, furniture, or maybe insurance, the field is wide open. The affiliate program you choose will also handle all the money, shipping and correspondence with your customers. All you need to do is to generate the traffic to your new website in order to make the sale.

Often times the affiliate program you join will offer you free websites and that is great, but you will never generate enough free traffic to these affiliate sites to succeed without having your own website. Why you ask? For one, the search engines don’t list affiliate sites and you definitely want to get listed in the search engines, this will be your biggest free traffic source.

One of the best ways to generate free traffic is to get involved in link exchanges. You will basically place a link to another site on your website and they will in turn place a link on their site to yours. Once you have exchanged several hundred links a portion of your link partners traffic will come to your site. The free websites you have been given via your affiliate program will not be able to be edited in anyway, thus link exchanges are not an option.

Link exchanges produce a double bonus also. Not only will you get traffic from your link partners, the search engines will place you higher in their listings when they see lots of links pointing to your site.

The Internet was created to provide information, so if you want to succeed on the Internet and generate lots of free traffic, you are going to have to provide information on your website. Often times we do this by providing free information or articles on our website.

Offering free and useful information will keep your visitors coming back to your website, and the double bonus here is that the search engines love content. The more content your website has will produce better listings in the search engines.

Once you have perfected this process of building a website, getting listed in the search engines and have developed a huge traffic stream to your website, your going to be making sales. It will start out slow and as you build links and content, the traffic will grow and so will your sales.

Affiliate programs can be a great stepping stone to get your foot in the door towards cashing in on the riches that the Internet provides.

As time goes by you will find that you have learned so much and have evolved into an Internet Guru and now it’s time to take it one step farther, and start selling YOURSELF.

Using the knowledge that you have gained, you may want to venture into selling your services to other entrepreneurs just getting started. You could start a consulting business, or you may offer to build websites, or to help your clients get listed in the search engines. You may want to start writing E-Books and selling them. The possibilities are endless.

The Internet is a huge marketplace that is still virtually untapped. Don’t waste another day worrying about how you’re going to pay your creditors or provide for your family in the future. Start an Internet business today and see how your life can be changed for the better.

8 Ways to Make Your Articles Go the Extra Mile

by: Earma Brown

Your audience is hungry for information. But they want it in the right format. The format must be easy to read, easy to digest and easy to apply. If you deliver your articles the way your audience likes it, they will reward you by reading every article you publish. They will even visit your website, sign-up for your ezine and eventually visit your product page just to receive more of your helpful information. By writing short articles you can capture attention, gain more traffic, create more sales and most importantly, be helpful to people when they need it. Here are seven quick tips to help you format your articles and make them go the extra mile:

1. Question/Answer. This is a popular format for everyone wants their questions answered in a 123 fashion. If only all questions could be answered in a numbered method. Discover your audience's burning questions that you have the answers for. List the questions; write a short paragraph that answers each question. Write a short introduction and even shorter summary. There you have it. An easy to read and easy to digest short article answering your audience's most pressing questions.

2. Problem/Solution. I absolutely love this format. I myself have gotten tons of problems solved with this format, after reading someone's problem/solution article. Therefore, many of my business problems that I solve become guess what kind of article? Yes. You are right; they become problem/solution articles. Simply describe the problem in one short paragraph and offer the solution in a one sentence paragraph below it. Or vice versa, describe the problem in a one sentence paragraph and give the solution in the longer paragraph.

3. Myth/Truth. The myth/truth format is another format that I use often in my writing. I guess because there are plenty of myths to destroy in any field. No, really I don't see it used as much as the other formats. So it becomes one of my attempts to be different. Also, you can easily convert other formats of yours or your favorite writer. For example, if you are inspired by another writer's topic instead of plagiarizing their work simply turn their list of mistakes into secrets or solutions. Simply present the facts in your own voice and viewpoint.

4. Tips/Advice. I think you know by now. I love writing short articles that help people. I mention that because I felt myself wanting to write, the same words at the beginning of this tip. You know," I love the tip format." This article is a great example of the tips format. I listed eight tips and short advice on how to accomplish the tip. So, list out your tips and write a short paragraph of advice to explain the tip.

5. Top Ten List. A variation of the tips format is the top tips list. Your top tips list may consist of the Top Five, Top Ten, Top Seven or practically any number of ten or less. I have even written the single most important tip to …Sometimes, that one gets more attention than the other numbers, because it answers a desire in all of us that want it as easy as possible. It's great if I can achieve it in a single step or even the 2 most important ways sound better than three or seven.

6. How To. Just as we all want to achieve anything in the easiest way possible, we also like to be shown how to do anything and everything. My clients have often said to me, "Just give me 5 easy steps or 3 easy steps and I know I can do it. I'm the same way, aren't you? Format your article to teach something and offer easy steps to accomplish it. Again, list them and write a short paragraph explaining each step.

7. Ways/Secrets/Habits. Another variation of the How-to article can be written in ways, secrets, habits, or things. I have even formatted one of my articles into weapons called "7 Weapons to Conquer the Giant Procrastination." The weapons became how-to tools to overcome procrastination keeping you from writing your best book now. Visit http://www.writetowin.org/win-articles.htm for a copy of this article.

8. Reasons. Most people can understand any given topic better if they can know the whys or reasons that support it. Websites are becoming more and more popular across the globe. As a website developer, I wanted to help my clients understand strong reasons for them to get a website now. Yes. The article became, "10 Reasons You Need a Website." Think of something you want to convince your clients of and write an article doing so. For a software developer wanting to sell more of his ebook creation software, his article became "18 Reasons to Write an eBook and Give it Away Free"

Every one loves bite-sized, useful information. Why not join the Information Revolution, by writing short articles to promote your ezine, website, product or service. Your readers will enjoy receiving your expertise and make sure your articles go the extra mile by telling all their friends about your informative, helpful service.

Getting Business for Your Home Business

Home businesses, like other businesses, aren't successful just because they exist. If you want to work at home, you have to learn about marketing a home based business.

Marketing depends in large part on the type of business you have. Marketing on the internet works for most kinds of home business. Even if you plan the bulk of your business from your local area, a website adds professionalism. When sending emails, make sure you include information about your business in your signature file.

Of course, if your home based business is also internet-based, it is essential for you to learn to market on the internet. Techniques for marketing a home based business on the web include pay-per-click advertising, web blogs, and your website. You can also network online through message boards and mailing lists.

An often overlooked tool for marketing a home based business is staying in touch with former clients. You can do this through the phone or through email. Email is often the preferred choice because potential clients look at email when they have time and are not interrupted to do it, as they are on the phone. When emailing former clients, let them know you enjoyed working with them and want them to remember you for future projects.

Look for ways to meet potential customers. Go to trade meetings or conventions. For example, if you are selling pet products, attend dog shows and county fairs.

The major ways to for marketing a home based business are similar to other businesses. Find customers you can serve and find ways to let them know you exist. After they become clients, serve them well and ask for future business. This is how you keep your business running.

How To Develop an Online Business Using Practical Thoughts

Starting a business to operate on the internet alone can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be daunting. Many resources are available to assist you, but information overload can cause paralysis and keep you from moving forward.

Keeping it simple is often the best way of maintaining the momentum necessary to get your business started. Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a service they hope to promote into an income producing business which they can operate from their own homes. If you are one of these people, here are some practical thoughts to consider before hanging out the "Open-for-Business" sign on the web.

Whether you're selling products and services or providing resources and downloads, you need eye-catching content for your Website. You might run a wonderful advertising campaign; develop viral marketing tools and attractive affiliate programs. But unless your Website is rich in content, the traffic that results from your efforts will only be transient. Content that is useful, valuable, informative, educational or just plain entertaining can attract and retain an audience better than anything else. Admittedly, designing a web site can be a complex task, Site aesthetics are important and image and design are probably the first things to register in consumer awareness, but content is the most important part of the online merchandising and sales process.

Write powerful and instructive sales letters by letting it all flow out. Write down everything that enters your mind as you are writing your sales letter. You can edit it later. If you just sit and start writing everything you know about your product or service and how it will benefit your customer, you will be amazed at how much information floods your mind. Write it ALL down. Then read through it - you'll be able to add a lot more detail to many of the points. Edit it after you have exhausted all of your ideas.

Establish a marketing method and a advertising campaign. While it’s agreed that the best e-commerce site in the world is worthless if no one can find it, but, too often, e-commerce start-ups either rely on search engines alone or use shotgun marketing, simply by advertising everywhere, to everyone, in the hope that a fraction of a percent of those who see the ads will respond. Promotion on the Internet has many methods, is complex, yet as with more traditional advertising requires that you understand where and how you will spend your marketing budget and what results are to be expected, as with any marketing campaign.

Create your own newsletter and start building your database. To be successful with a newsletter, you have to specialize. Your best bet will be with new information on a subject not already covered by an established newsletter. Regardless of the frustrations involved in launching your own newsletter, never forget this truth: There are people from all walks of life, in all parts of the world, many of them with no writing ability whatsoever, who are making incredible profits with a simple newsletter. Plan your newsletter before launching it. Know the basic premise for its being, your editorial position, the layout, art work, type styles, subscription price, distribution methods, and every other detail necessary to make it look, sound and feel like the end result you have envisioned.

In Conclusion- all successful businesses offer their customers something of value, but that's not enough. Customers constantly evaluate what they get against what they pay, and their criteria for making repeat purchases are very simple. They want everything: better, faster and cheaper! Even if you're clever enough to build a perfect business the first time and your product or service is ideal for your customers, your position will eventually erode because the marketplace is not static.

Your product or service may be unique, but it's not as though someone blew the whistle and stopped innovation. Sooner or later, and very soon if you're noticeably successful, other businesses will copy you. If they can provide a similar product or service better, faster or cheaper, they're going to surpass you.

Never forget that as a business owner you'll be in a constant race against an ever-improving marketplace and no matter where you are in the hunt, making improvements is a daily necessity.

By: Andy Cooper

How To Find Hot Niche Markets

by: Dan Farrell
Working out what your niche market will be to start your home business is something that can elicit much excitement. This is when you can put all those great ideas you have had for your business into a plan of action. Give yourself a number of options to work over. Some will be great and some won't fit. Get more than one so you always have a back up when you start a home business.

Look to 3 sources for ideas:

* A hobby you love: You won't find many hobbies from which you can't build a business. And since you enjoy doing it, it won't be tedious to "go to work" every day. When you pick something for your business that you sincerely like, you will have fun at doing it.

* Your experiences: In life we go though many experiences and you can use these to build a business. For example if you have raised children you can then put all your parenting experience together and start a business related to parenting.

* Your talents: Everyone has one or more talents within them. Dig down and see what yours are. You can start a freelance business using your talents.

Defining your niche market:

1. List out some ideas then put them in the order of what you like the best.

2. Go to the site listed here and put a key word into the overture suggestion tool box: This will bring up the amount of searches that have been done for your keyword and will represent demand.

3. If you search out that same key word on Google search engine http://google.com then you will see websites supplying that item and you will know how many competitors are out there that will be competing with you when you start a home business.

4. If you find a topic that is demanded in quantity but low in the suppliers, you will then make money. This should be your special market for which you do your niche marketing. You will make more money with a niche market as you will reduce and sometimes even eliminate competition. Go through your list of ideas until you narrow it down to about

5. Then go through them again and see which one will fit into a niche market.

Establishing your USP:

Once you have found the concept that fits into a specialized or niche market it is time to establish your USP, Unique, Selling, Point. This is when you will take your idea, and see how you will make your business uniquely different from your competitors. Often neglected, finding the USP is something that new business owners need to do to set their item above the competition. Online businesses are very competitive and you have to stay ahead of the game.

There are two reasons you need to set yourself up as different from others:

1. Get ahead of your competitors

2. To clearly define to your potential customers why your product and service is better than your competitors.

Deciding on your business model:

Part of your business concept will not only be consolidating your ideas but also choosing your business model. There are a few that you can choose from:

* Affiliate marketing-Getting involved with affiliate programs will target your efforts

* Network marketing (MLM)- again this will target your market and idea.

* Marketing-taking the product and selling it

* Service- you should use your talents, which includes freelancing.

You can see there are a number of things you will have to do to get your business concept into operation. But it's worth it to plan and take care in developing it. It will be your foundation, after all.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Improving the CTR Of Your Google Adwords

As you are aware, Google Adwords is one of the most popular PPC avenues because of several features.

* Low signup cost (only $5)
* Instant activation of your account
* Instant activation of your ad campaign
* Provision to set daily spending limits

As the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) goes up, your ad position improves and Cost-Per-Click (CPC) goes down. This really puts Google Adwords in a different league.

Here are some simple tips to improve your CTR --
1) Specific matching along with broad matching

Generally when you want to advertise for, say, online dating, you put online dating in the keywords list. I suggest that you all of these in the keywords list -

* [online dating]
* "online dating"
* online dating

This way, when a searcher types just online dating, the click is credited to the 1st keyword. If the searcher types a keyphrase including online dating in that order but as part of a bigger term like free online dating, it is credited to the 2nd keyword. And if both online and dating are present but not together and in that order, like online singles dating, it is credited to the 3rd keyword.

This improves the CTR for certain specific keywords and helps to lower your CPC and also improves your ad position.
2) Use a variable title

Did you know that your clickthrough rate (CTR) goes up when the searcher sees his keywords (that he searched for) in your ad? This is because Google shows these words in bold.

But you don't know what term this searcher has used. So how can you put the term in the title? Try this.

Put this string in the title field on the Adwords screen -

{KeyWord: Default Title} where you replace "Default Title" with a suitable text. Now Google will show the search term as the ad title if the searched term fits within the 25 character limit and your default title if the search term won't fit.

Example - say you use {KeyWord: Online Dating} as the title and dating as the keyword.

If someone searches for dating help, the shown title will be Dating Help. However if one searches for free online dating resources, Google will show Online Dating because the search term won't fit in the title space (25 characters).

Did you notice the capitalization? If you use Keyword, then only the first word would be capitalized. If you use keyword, all the letters will be in small case.

This tip alone can boost your CTR by 157% or more.
3) Variable destination URL

Did you know that Google now allows variable destination URLs? Why do you need that? Variable destination URL can help you identify the terms that the searchers are using and you can alter your page content to suit those terms for a much better conversion.

Are Articles Needed for Google Adsense Cash

There is nothing more rewarding than receiving the check of hard earned money. You must have seen thousands upon thousands of online testimonies of how they 'got rich' from Google Adsense and how they make thousands per week. Some of these stories are not entirely false.

The main secret behind making money from Google Adwords/Adsense program is content. There is no shortcut. Content is the first step behind any successful money making website. Of course, there is SEO-ing, but content is what drives the potential customers to your site. How much you are willing to invest will determine how much you will make per month, but it is possible to make money without spending a dime.

First of all, you will need a website. Assuming your content will be purely textual (since Google spiders crawl on text/keywords), you may either get a domain and hosting or choose to post to a blog, or you could sign up for free ad-supported website. It is recommended that if you plan on making money from your website, you ought to get a website with your own domain name, after all, ad supported hosting defeats the purpose of your money making; plus, you want your website to appear as professional and less congested as possible.

Now that you have a website, the next step is getting content for your site, but we'll get to that at the end of this article.

Now that you have a domain name and a niche, you will have to sign up for the Google Adwords Program. Note that Google Adwords enables you to get paid for advertising and Google Adsense is when you will have to pay for advertising.

Now that you have your domain with efficient hosting, and your Adwords account, you will need to build your site. If you are already a site-creating guru, then you are a step ahead. If not, creating your content site is not purely throwing out HTML pages. Sooner or later, content is going to keep growing and you may either get an efficient content manager or get hired help.

Traffic makes the difference between you making money or you not getting a dime. In order to get traffic, you can either optimize your website or get traffic by spamming. Now, remember that spamming will not get you repeat visitors, and will give your business a very bad reputation, plus, spamming may cost your website not to be listed on search engines, and Google has the right, under the 'Terms and Conditions' to revoke your Adwords account. You definitely do not want to start from scratch.

Traffic can come by word of mouth and efficient SEO-ing. SEO is an enormously broad topic that ranges from content, link popularity, link exchanges, keywords, web description, etc., to website rankings and so on. In order to remain on the top of your niche, you will need to always want your customers coming back. In order to keep that traffic flowing, you will need to keep content coming fresh and keeping your site constantly optimized and up to date. You will need to be aware of most common spider crawling techniques and use it to your advantage.

Another most common made mistake in getting website content free and cheap is to copy other websites or repeat the same information (if you have more than one money-making site). This is a bad move! Search engines will see this duplicate content as spam and remove it from searched results. Also, if you copy and paste content that is not yours and/or of public domain you will be infringing copyright. Copyright infringement is a crime.

As far as content goes, you can hire help to write articles or you can conveniently buy articles in bulk. Bulk articles are normally distributed by renowned companies and usually are more cost-efficient. Bulk content is also good if you are thinking of expanding your site. A renowned company that can help you with content and marketing strategies is the Myrdhinn's Marketing Madness. There are thousands of articles in different niches and since it's from a trustworthy company, you can always return for new quality content.

Remember that signing up for Google Adwords is free. If your website gets rejected at first, don't worry. Just build your site and re-apply. As long as your website is legitimate and is not an 'about-me' site, you are more than likely to get approved. Plus, having an Adwords account opens you to the Google community and you can increase your PageRank dramatically.

About the Author

Name David Jackson an Internet Marketer Would you like to promote using PLR Articles like this? Join Myrdhinn's Marketing Madness Now Receive over 700 PLR Articles a Month + other products.

Earn Cash With Adsense and Articles

The question regarding making cash using articles and Adsense has been asked numberous times. The unbelievers will tell you that it's not possible. If that were true, there would not be so many people earning a living writing articles for their Adsense sites.

The question regarding making cash using articles and Adsense has been asked numberous times. The unbelievers will tell you that it's not possible. If that were true, there would not be so many people earning a living writing articles for their Adsense sites.

In order to earn money with Adsense, you need to search for a profitable niche. When you are just beginning, you should pick a niche that you have some interest in. By doing this you will be more interested and it will not be quite as difficult for you to write your articles.

If you are interested in fishing, you could write articles about different kinds of fish, types of bait, type of lures, rods, reels, and the best locations for certain species.

When you become more comfortable writing articles you might then try a niche that is new to you. Use the search engines and do a search for whatever niche you want to try and research that topic. You might find that you have more of an interest in that topic than you thought.

When writing your articles, be precise, be informative, and by all means, don't tell people the same thing that everyone else is telling them. Make your articles new and captivating. Give people unique content. Don't write several articles and think that will be enough. You need to keep writing articles. You must keep your site full of fresh content. Don't forget to put your name and website address at the end of your article in the resource box. As you write informative articles, other websites may grab your article and publish it on their site or in their newsletter, thereby driving additional traffic to your site.

By keeping your content fresh and informative, the search engines will spider your site more often. Search engines look for new and unique content and will make numerous trips to your site if you keep adding new articles to it. The more often they visit, the higher in the ratings your website will go.

You also need to submit your articles to online article directories. Each directory has its own submission guidelines so be sure to check them out first. Make sure your resource box is included with the article when you submit it. Without this resource box, readers will not know who wrote the article or how to get more information from your website. More visitors will also help increase your search engine ratings.

When you join Google's Adsense program, Google will place Adsense ads on your site that are directly related to the topic that you are writing about. When a visitor clicks on one of the ads, you are paid for that click. The amount you are paid will depend on what the advertiser is paying for that ad and only Google knows that. The more traffic you get to your site, and the higher your click through rate (CTR), the more money you can earn.

It's not as hard as it may appear. The most difficult part is getting started and keeping the momentum going. It may take awhile for your site to get traffic. The most important thing is to keep submitted articles to your website.

If you wish, you can also post articles written by others as long as you include their resource box. Doing so can cause some visitors to transfer away from your site by clicking on the link in the authors resource box. But the good part of this practice is that the article still adds fresh content to your website which is always a good thing for your search rankings.

About the Author

Rick Churchill has his own successful online work at home business. For online work at home resources

Top Adsense Keywords Strategies

We all know that one great way to make money online is with the use of adsense adverts. Lets briefly break down how adsense works with an example. Lets say you have a website based on Gardening. When you sign up for an adsense account and place the adsense coding in your web pages, it automatically displays relevant adverts on your website of other websites in your same niche.

It does this simply by detecting your keyword usage in your meta tags. By placing adsense adverts on your websites, you earn extra revenue based on a pay per click basis. The adverts that show up on your website are from people who have created adwords adverts for their websites. So basically, if they bid 35 cents for the keyword phrase "how to garden" in their adwords account, you will receive approximately 35 cents every time someone clicks on their advert( which is placed on your website) under the phrase "how to Garden".

So that's roughly how adsense adverts work. But lets talk about an important aspect of Adsense, that being which keywords will give you the highest pay rate and how to go about finding them. Most people have probably spent a fair amount of time doing research on the internet, trying to experiment with different websites to see how much they receive for those particular adverts. This can be very time consuming. I currently have access to and utilise a database of approximately 2.4 MILLION different search terms, their Cost per click values and their daily click estimates.If you are interested in reading more about an adsense product which can offer this knowledge, please visit my homepage below.

Profiting from Adsense

You've probably heard a lot about Google AdSense, but you may not know just what it is. Well, for one thing, it's a one of the hottest new ways to make money online without having to do a whole lot. If you've read Robert Kiyosaki's book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", you know that passive income is the best kind of income to have.

You'll have to invest just a little bit of time in learning about it, but once you get it set up you can look forward to seeing those nice checks roll in. Or, if you're totally online, seeing money flow into your PayPal account.

Google AdSense is a fast and absolutely ridiculously easy way for people with websites of all types and sizes to put up and display relevant Google ads on the content pages of their site and earn money.

So what kind of ads do you have to put up? That's the good part. You don't have to decide. Google does it for you. AdSense always delivers relevant ads that are precisely targeted on a page-by-page basis to the content that people find on your site. For example, if you have a page that tells the story of your pet fish, Google will send you ads for that site that are for pet stores, fish food, fish bowls, aquariums. You get the picture.

Here's the thing you need to know: Google has no strict criteria for acceptance into the AdSense program, and Ad Sense doesn't hit you with a minimum traffic requirement. The only criteria they're really sticky about is the standard "acceptable content" requirements, and that's pretty standard almost anywhere.

Once you've been accepted into Google AdSense, you'll be able to get the AdSense advertisements on any site you own using the same ad code, provided you obey the Google guidelines. (And that's very, very important more on that later.)

It's easy to get started with AdSense and it only takes a few minutes. You fill out one single online application and that's it. Once you’re approved, it takes only minutes to set up AdSense; all you have to do is copy and paste a designated block of HTML into the source code for your site. Once you do that, targeted ads will start showing up on your website and start watching those nice checks roll in.

While i can't guarantee results, of course, since a lot of your success lies in your own hands, i wouldn't have written this article if i didn't believe in the power of Google AdSense. A lot of webmasters are making a lot of money off of AdSense, and there's no reason you shouldn't be one of them.

To date, comparisons of AdWords rates with AdSense earnings add up to commissions of between 40% and 60%. People speculate all the time on user boards as to why Google refuses to publish its commission rates, but no one has the answer. It might have something to do with legal reasons or it could just be that Google wants to retain the ability to change rates without having to send out an announcement about it each time, which costs money.

By Gabriel Clyde, an online business expert

Golden Tips to Increase Your Adsense Earnings by Adsense Guru

What is the next job to do after joing adsense?
How to increase my earnings?
Every junior adsense publisher will search for the answers to above questions.It is natural because of their poor earnings from adsense.
We have to follow the great tips to increase our earnings. I have discussed the valuable tips to increase the adsense revenue. So apply them for your site or blog and generate more money from your website or blog.

The Golden tips are:
1) Select a top paying keyword to design the website.you have to select the keyword in such a way that it is related to your sites data.Use your top paying keyword in the Heading of your site and in the text.
2)Choose the keyword rich text to attract good ads on your page.
3)Optimize your website with different Adsense Optimization techniques that are available on net
4)Blend you Adsense ads into your web pages
5)Use Google's Custom Channels for each of the ad units on your site
6)Optimize each page for adsense
7)Use the full allowance of ads available to you on each page
8) Maximize your success with other google products like downloading firefox with google tool bar etc.....
9)Submit articles to different free article sites .with this u get many back links
10)Start exchanging Links with Other Webmasters
11)Add a blog to your site and ping weblogs.com
12)Submit your blog address to different blog search sites and directories
13)Start creating RSS feeds for your site and submit the feed URLs to the major RSS feed directories online.
14)Become an active commenter and get back links from different blogs
15) follow other SEO Techniques to get more traffic
16)Submit your site or blog to different search engines.They crawl your site and index them to search engines.Then you get free traffic to your site